✨ Day 04 - Ceres Search Link to heading

Today was the first challenging day of the year, and it took me a while to get a working solution. Be prepared for some yank!

Today, we have to help a little Elf working on the Ceres monitoring station to decipher his word search:
We have a list of 140x140 characters (10x10 for the example) that contains the word XMAS in many forms, forwards, backwards, vertical, diagonal and overlapping.


Part 1 Link to heading

Part one is - in theory - very simple. We have to count the occurrences of XMAS in the text. I treated the strings as a Matrix of chars, as the input will always be same-sided. For forward and backward in the horizontal rows it’s very straight-forwards, just use a simple regex like (?=(XMAS|SAMX)) and sum the finds of the rows:

val regex = Regex("(?=(XMAS|SAMX))")

val horizontal = input.lines()

horizontal.sumOf { re.findAll(it).count() }

But what do we do now for the vertical and diagonal lines? Some might have taken a smarter approach for doing this, but I decided to just transpose the char matrix and reuse the same regex. Sadly, the kotlin standard library does not provide Matrix functions (I could have used Multik, but I think that would have been overkill and normal transposition is not enough as you will see in a moment), so I had to create my own, which was simple enough:

inline fun <reified T> List<List<T>>.transpose(): List<List<T>> = List(this[0].size) { i -> List(this.size) { j -> this[j][i] } }

and was then able to just repeat my code from before:

val regex = Regex("(?=(XMAS|SAMX))")

val vertical = input.lines().map { it.toList() }.transpose().map { it.joinToString { "" } }

vertical.sumOf { re.findAll(it).count() }

I know the double map is not very aesthetically pleasing and may introduce overhead, but I wanted to make the function abstract to maybe reuse it later on.

Now, for the diagonal lines, I had to think a bit more about how to “transpose” (It’s technically not transposing anymore, but for the lack of a better term we’ll just call it “diagonal transpose”) them, and with the help of some friendly Large Language Models I was able to come up with this bad boy

inline fun <reified T> List<List<T>>.diagonalTranspose(): List<List<T>> {
    val rows = this.size
    val cols = this.first().size

    return (0 until cols).map { col ->
        generateSequence(0 to col) { (i, j) -> (i + 1) to (j - 1) }
            .takeWhile { (i, j) -> i < rows && j >= 0 }
            .map { (i, j) -> this[i][j] }
    } + (1 until rows).map { row ->
        generateSequence(row to cols - 1) { (i, j) -> (i + 1) to (j - 1) }
            .takeWhile { (i, j) -> i < rows && j >= 0 }
            .map { (i, j) -> this[i][j] }

And a lightly modified version to transpose on the anti-diagonal:

inline fun <reified T> List<List<T>>.antiDiagonalTranspose(): List<List<T>> {
    val rows = this.size
    val cols = this.first().size

    return (cols - 1 downTo 0).map { col ->
        generateSequence(0 to col) { (i, j) -> (i + 1) to (j + 1) }
            .takeWhile { (i, j) -> i < rows && j < cols }
            .map { (i, j) -> this[i][j] }
    } + (1 until rows).map { row ->
        generateSequence(row to 0) { (i, j) -> (i + 1) to (j + 1) }
            .takeWhile { (i, j) -> i < rows && j < cols }
            .map { (i, j) -> this[i][j] }

And now I could just sum the occurrences in the 4 matrices using the aforementioned regex and I was done!

horizontal.sumOf { re.findAll(it).count() } +
vertical.sumOf { re.findAll(it).count() } +
diagonalLtoR.sumOf { re.findAll(it).count() } +
diagonalRtoL.sumOf { re.findAll(it).count() }

Which outputs 18 and gets us our first star for today!

Part 2 Link to heading

Now, after we did all this mumbo jumbo just because an elf can’t write like a normal person, he then has the audacity to tell us that we made a massive mistake and have to start over. That little sh*thead. Basically, instead of searching for XMAS, we have to search for two words MAS in an X-Configuration like this:


I first started with a very complicated approach containing more matrix operations, complicated regex’s and weird calculation, but after taking a brief pause and talking to a colleague that already solved today’s puzzle, I just went ahead and checked every A in the text for the matching character configuration around it:

var result = 0
(1..lines.size - 2).forEach { i ->
    (1..lines[i].length - 2).forEach inner@{ j ->
        if (lines[i][j] != 'A') return@inner
        if (!((lines[i - 1][j - 1] == 'S' && lines[i + 1][j + 1] == 'M') || (lines[i - 1][j - 1] == 'M' && lines[i + 1][j + 1] == 'S'))) return@inner
        if (!((lines[i + 1][j - 1] == 'S' && lines[i - 1][j + 1] == 'M') || (lines[i + 1][j - 1] == 'M' && lines[i - 1][j + 1] == 'S'))) return@inner

Which finally gave us the second star for today

Today was the most challenging for this year, I was already concerned that this year’s puzzles will be disappointing, but today took a good couple of hours to solve. Very excited for the following days!